Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Attract Hummingbirds with Flowers

I've just completed my second Squidoo lens about attracting hummingbirds, and this article is specifically about how to attract hummingbirds with flowers.

The Rufous hummingbirds are buzzing around our place full-time now, the males battling it out over who has the rights to the feeders in the front and back yard as well as general territory. From what I can tell, we have at least two males and one female now.

Today I gathered some dried grass and moss that I thought they might want to use for nest-building. My next goal is to finally find a hummingbird nest with babies!

Here's a male rufous hummingbird showing off his beautiful red gorget (his neck feathers that almost look like sequins).

Male Rufous Hummingbird

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