Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Snow, Snow, and More Snow

I love snow...I used to live back east and really enjoyed the winters there, although it sounds like they're really getting blasted this year. After a very mild winter here on the Sunshine Coast, it started snowing and didn't stop for two days. The whole area turned into a winter wonderland.The power went out several times but luckily it didn't stay off for long.There was no way we could drive up our hill so after walking the dogs, we walked past a couple of cars in the ditch and made our way to town to buy groceries. Then I went down to the water to take some pictures and also made a point of feeding some peanuts to the chickadees that eat from my hand...they find me no matter where I am, and fly in for a treat. 

It was a perfect couple of days for me but now I can hear the snow melting and crashing onto our roof. So I guess it's back to normal until next time when time slows down because of the weather. I'm happy to see that there's more snow in the forecast later this week!
snowy trees art

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