Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Cherry Blossoms Are Coming

We've had a very mild winter so far, although we're going through a bit of a cold snap as of last night. I've been noticing the fruit trees are starting to bloom along the coast where I live...beautiful pink blossoms are starting to peek out from almost naked branches. The crocuses are getting braver and showing their tiny purple selves, even in our shady yard. So make no mistake about it, spring is coming yet again!

I think springtime is my favorite time of year. It's certainly a busy time for nature photographers, with all the baby birds and other animals being born. I'm hoping to have a new batch of baby chickadees visiting my feeders this spring.

For now, I leave you with a picture of the cherry blossoms in full bloom, taken last year. I can't wait to see this sight again!

cherry blossoms art

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