Monday, April 29, 2013

Hummingbird in a Rain Shower

Yes, April showers bring May flowers...

But did you know that hummingbirds take showers when it rains? They don't take baths like other birds do. They like to fly through spraying water to get clean. I've actually sprayed our water hose high into the air a few times in the heat of summer so that a hummingbird could take a shower...they seem to love it!

Last March our Rufous hummingbirds returned to the Sunshine Coast here in British Columbia after migrating from Mexico, where they spend the winter. After quite a mild winter, our spring has been pretty chilly so I felt sorry for the little guys. But here's a picture I took of a male rufous hummer enjoying a spring shower in the setting sun, sitting on a branch of our oceanspray bush. He looks content, doesn't he?

Just to let you know, Zazzle is having a 15% off sale on all products in honor of Mother's Day. The sale ends on Wednesday, May 1st. Just enter the code MAKEHERSMILE when you're checking out.

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